Desktop Bot

    • 4 posts
    July 17, 2023 1:02 PM BST

    I have downloaded the Desktop Bot app but for bookmaker Bet365 I have a status of "Offline (enh under cons)". How do I get this to go online?

    • 53 posts
    July 18, 2023 2:13 PM BST

    The new automation system that includes bet365 among other books will be available in version 3.04 of our Desktop Bot application that will be released in the next few hours. If you are running a previous version there is no need to download as the application will update itself the moment that 3.04 becomes available.

    Until then, you can make use of the Bet365 automation by setting up one or more Cloud Bots at My Bots.

    Cloud Bots have the distinct advantage of not requiring a PC or VPC. They can be conveniently managed and monitored via our website and offer a range of functionalities comparable to those of the desktop bots.

    This post was edited by tango at July 18, 2023 2:17 PM BST