In another post
It says that "Any external source can be automated with To connect an external source with, you must first retrieve picks from the original source and then submit them to This process is applicable to websites, Telegram channels, Arbitrage or Value alert services, Excel files, emails, and more."
If I have a telegram channel that posts tips in the right format
SPORT: [Sport associated with the pick]
EVENT: [Event related to the pick]
BET: [Pick's bet string]
ODDS: [Pick's odds in decimal format]
STAKE: [Stake for the pick in's 1-10 units scale]
BOOK: [Bookmaker, e.g. "PINNACLE", "BET365"]
SOURCE: [ source that the pick is submitted to]
How can I set up my bot to automatically make picks for my source from that Telegram message?
I am not sure that I understand. Why is it relevant what format a telergam or any other external source uses? You will need to have an app that connects to the external source, reads the picks and submits them to As long as the information needed by is present and the source is using a consistent and structured syntax, transforming them to the accepted format is trivial.
Challenges occur when sources deliberately employ techniques to prevent scraping or automation. These techniques may include embedding information within images, captchas, tracking response times and many others.
Sorry, I didn’t explain what I am trying to do well. I mean that I don’t have an app that connects to the telegram messages, reads the picks and submits them to How do I get an app that can do that?
(I have a bot on bf bot manager that finds selections itself and is profitable, it can send a message to telegram when it places a bet, then I want that bet to be sent to my source as a pick on so I can sell the picks as tips. I know how to make the telegram part and I have the Smartbet bot, but I don’t have the connecting app in between.)
You will need to build an app that scans telegram (or whatever external source you are interested in) and feeds the picks to so that they can be linked to a specific source that it can then be followed by bots. You can use any of the supported automatic methods, like http POST/GET, or email to as explained in Most text-based external sources like telegram channels, emails, websites are straightforward to scan and bridge to and would take a medium skilled programmer no more than a few hours.
Many users have built such scrapers for various kinds of sources in the past, like arb alert services, telegram channels, mail lists, etc. There were also some developers with experience in the API that had built such applications for others and used to write in the old forum, let me know if you need their contact. In any case, you can find many programmers in webites such as, and similar ones.
Thank you for the detailed reply. I am interested in learning how to do this myself. It is a fun challenge to find out how this all works. So I will try to read up some more and see how to do that. Don't worry. I am not going to ask you to teach me how to code from scratch. But I might ask specific Smartbet related questions that I cannot find the answer to from web searches.
If anyone else is thinking about doing this from zero coding experience like me, my current starting point is the idea that I need to:
1. Scan my telegram channel to get the data I need (also called "scraping" data from the internet)
2. Use a "POST request" (or "GET request") to send the data to the Smartbet API endpoint postpick.php
From looking at the internet I am going to start at these help pages:
I can compile this into an executable file
And then schedule this application to run every 10 minutes to check for new bets to be posted
Or I will next try to learn and use Node.js (a runtime environment for running Javascript outside a browser) if I cannot manage to do it through python (a programming language).
If I manage to do it. I will make a YouTube video to demonstrate to others how to do it, too.
I'm looking at doing this myself too and would be interested in finding out if you were successful.
In the end I could not do it and took the shortcut of paying a programmer from to make a program to do it for me.
Thanks for coming back to me on this.
Is it working for you? Would you be able to share details?
thanks again.
tango said:
Many users have built such scrapers for various kinds of sources in the past, like arb alert services, telegram channels, mail lists, etc. There were also some developers with experience in the API that had built such applications for others and used to write in the old forum, let me know if you need their contact.
Heya, I'd appreciate it if u could please point me to some of these members. I'm trying to get something like this so I can use the bot.
Thank u!
Oliz said:
tango said:
Many users have built such scrapers for various kinds of sources in the past, like arb alert services, telegram channels, mail lists, etc. There were also some developers with experience in the API that had built such applications for others and used to write in the old forum, let me know if you need their contact.Heya, I'd appreciate it if u could please point me to some of these members. I'm trying to get something like this so I can use the bot.
Thank u!
Hello, I have asked several members who have built similar apps in the past to either post here or contact you directly.
tango said:
Oliz said:
tango said:
Many users have built such scrapers for various kinds of sources in the past, like arb alert services, telegram channels, mail lists, etc. There were also some developers with experience in the API that had built such applications for others and used to write in the old forum, let me know if you need their contact.Heya, I'd appreciate it if u could please point me to some of these members. I'm trying to get something like this so I can use the bot.
Thank u!
Hello, I have asked several members who have built similar apps in the past to either post here or contact you directly.
II doubt it I'll get any help ? but thank u for trying!
Oliz said:
tango said:
Oliz said:
tango said:
Many users have built such scrapers for various kinds of sources in the past, like arb alert services, telegram channels, mail lists, etc. There were also some developers with experience in the API that had built such applications for others and used to write in the old forum, let me know if you need their contact.Heya, I'd appreciate it if u could please point me to some of these members. I'm trying to get something like this so I can use the bot.
Thank u!
Hello, I have asked several members who have built similar apps in the past to either post here or contact you directly.
II doubt it I'll get any help ? but thank u for trying!
Please see External source automation and more -
Hey, I’d like to talk to some of those members too ? Thanks!
gmoncada14 said:
Hey, I’d like to talk to some of those members too ? Thanks!
Hello, user "eloy" created a topic and posted a link just above your post. Please contact him directly.
gmoncada14 said:
Hey, I’d like to talk to some of those members too ? Thanks!
Sorry, my previous post was not clear. You can contact me to discuss building any betting related project including interfacing external sources to
I created a topic in the External Sources forum, here is the link again:
Please feel free to reach out to me as well: I am a programmer with quite a good experience in bot and automating betting activity!
Just DM !
will be interrested to have contact too
try the help of chatgpt but still not succeed
its a bit sad and actually i think u lost too many customers because most of us cant do it by ourself
User "doctormiguel" has had positive feedback, please see and contact him directly.
Senior developer. I'll help out for free. DM me.
Hello, you can find information on there :