Question about public and private sources - How do I keep open tips hidden?

    • 36 posts
    May 18, 2023 12:28 PM BST

    Hi there, I have a question about public and private sources. I understand that if anyone (logged in or not) clicks on the "all sources page" and then clicks on a source, then they can see " open" bets, which means they can manually bet on those tips without paying for them. With private sources, they are not listed on the "all sources" page, but once a user knows the name of the private source (either by being told it or searching using the source creator name in the software itself), then they can find the source page by adding it to the regular profile page name. ">TomW2P" and see open bets, which also means they could bet on the tips without paying for them. Is there anyway to keep open tips private until they are settled? Or is there anyway to keep open private tips only visible to manually approved users?

    • 36 posts
    May 18, 2023 12:30 PM BST

    I just looked again now and the tips are hidden! Thank you! Was that like that before or did you just change it?

    • 53 posts
    May 18, 2023 1:01 PM BST

    To ensure clarity, let's distinguish between the terms 'picks' and 'bets'. A 'pick' refers to a selection that triggers order generation for following bots. On the other hand, a 'bet' is the outcome of an order that has been executed successfully.

    All open picks in a source's records page at are hidden for ALL users (except the source owner) until they are settled. It does not matter if the viewer is following or not, or if the source is private or public or if someone knows the source name and URL. Open picks in a source's pick records are visible ONLY to the source owner with everyone else just seeing sport and starting time. In addition, source records pages for private sources are only accessible to the source owner, so that all info about a private source is kept private - not just picks. To demonstrate this, create a private source and then try to access it both being logged in and after logging out or using a different acount.

    Approved followers of a source can indirectly infer a source's open picks because they would anyway have received the corresponding orders and possibly have bets on these orders, but that's a different thing.

    This post was edited by tango at May 18, 2023 1:40 PM BST
    • 53 posts
    May 18, 2023 1:09 PM BST
    TomW said:

    I just looked again now and the tips are hidden! Thank you! Was that like that before or did you just change it?

    Maybe you were viewing your own picks? Open pick details are hidden for eveyone except the source owner.
    • 36 posts
    May 18, 2023 2:54 PM BST

    Yes, I must have made a mistake like that. I clicked "log out" and then tried to view my source picks and I could, but it appeared I was logged out, but I actually must still have been logged in somehow. Thank you for the clarification.