What happens if my bot is offline when a source submits a pick?

    • 36 posts
    May 17, 2023 11:54 PM BST

    What happens if my bot is offline when a source submits a pick?


    For example, 

    9am My bot is offline. (My PC is switched off, the software is not running.)

    10am A source I am following posts a pick.

    11am I switch on my bot. Does it retrieve the new pick or is it missed because my bot was offline at 10am?


    (I just tested it now and it seems to miss the pick. I want to check if that is what is meant to happen.)

    • 53 posts
    May 18, 2023 1:34 PM BST

    When a pick is submitted to Smartbet.io it is automatically processed and generates orders for all bots that meet the following conditions:

    1/ They are following (and have been approved where applicable) the corresponding source.
    2/ They are online at the time that the pick is submitted. For PC bots, online means that the application is running even if the bot itself is stopped.
    3/ They have at least one active book.

    So, offline bots will never receive orders for picks that were submitted while they were offline.

    To go a bit further, we determine that a bot is online or not by checking every 1-2 minutes. This means that a bot that goes offline will still appear as online in the system for another few minutes so incoming picks will generate pending orders for it. But all pending orders expire soon after creation if they are not picked up by the target bot, so even in that case the bot will never receive these orders.

    This post was edited by tango at May 18, 2023 1:35 PM BST