How can I submit my picks to using the http POST and GET methods?

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    • 53 posts
    April 4, 2023 4:09 PM BST offers the following http GET/POST endpoints to facilitate communication with the pick processing and distribution system:

    postpick.php - Submit a new pick to


    • key: The API key used for authentication. This must be any active Bot ID that belongs to the owner of the source that the pick is being submitted to.
    • sport: The sport associated with the pick. 
    • event: The event related to the pick. 
    • bet: The pick's bet string.
    • odds: The pick's odds in decimal format.
    • stake: The stake for the pick in's 1-10 units scale.
    • book: The bookmaker (e.g., "PINNACLE", "BET365").
    • source: The source that the pick is submitted to.

    The parameters sport, event and bet must adhere to's syntax rules as outlined in Market Support.

    GET Example>mysource

    POST Example

      "key": "bcbab-1a8dy2q5-d138-4af3-bzb5-58m2v54b1c6z",
      "sport": "BASKETBALL",
      "event": "VALENCIA - BARCELONA",
      "bet": "OVER 152.5",
      "odds": "1.91",
      "stake": "4",
      "book": "PINNACLE",
      "source": "user>mysource"

    Upon successful submission of a new pick, the API will return a JSON response containing the pick ID of the newly inserted pick. You can store and use this ID to retrieve processing/distribution and execution results for this pick at any later point. If the request fails, the API will return an error message with a short description of the issue.

    Successful Response Example

      "pickid": 123456

    pickstatus.php - Retrieve processing and order distribution/execution results for a previously submitted pick


    • key: The botid that was used to submit the pick.
    • pickid: The pick ID.

    GET Example

    POST Example

      "key": "bcbab-1a8dy2q5-d138-4af3-bzb5-58m2v54b1c6z",
      "pickid": "123456"


    Upon successful call of pickstatus.php, the API will return a JSON response containing processing/distribution and order execution data for the requested Pick ID. If the request fails, the API will return an error message with a description of the issue.

    Successful Response Example

      "processing_status": string enum ["PROCESSED", "NOT PROCESSED", "PICK NOT FOUND OR INVALID KEY"],
      "processing_result_short": short description of the processing result,
      "processing_result_long": long description of the processing result,
      "execution_result": description of order execution result

    This post was edited by tango at June 23, 2023 4:23 AM BST