What is Smartbet.io?

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    • 53 posts
    March 30, 2023 9:57 PM BST

    Smartbet.io is a betting automation platform that facilitates automatic distribution and execution, grading, verification, and record-keeping for bet orders generated by processing betting selections (picks). Pick types range from manually entered selections made by a human (typically a "tipster"), to automatically generated selections made by proprietary applications applying any user-defined set of criteria or custom logic to market data. Our programmatic pick submission API makes automation possible for picks originating from a virtually unlimited number of sources, such as external websites, telegram channels, arbitrage or value alert services, emails, spreadsheets, and many more. Smartbet.io is the first platform of its kind to offer such comprehensive automation and versatility.

    Smartbet.io is modeled around the concepts of "Sources" and "Bots". A source is a stream of betting picks and a bot is a software agent that can follow sources and automate betting and record-keeping for the followed sources. Every smartbet.io member can create unlimited sources and unlimited bots.

    Sources are fully customizable, with owners having total control over options, such as limiting number of followers and maximum stakes, deciding between public/private status, restricting access to certain users or bots, and many more. In addition, source owners can monetize their sources by utilizing smartbet.io's flexible source pricing options that can be customized to fit any need or pricing model and keep 100% of the source fees paid by followers, while having the ability to offer individual discounts and to keep track of each follower's betting performance and paid fees.

    Bots are also fully customizable, and owners have complete control over a wide range of settings and properties. These include selecting bookmaker accounts and settings, choosing sources to follow, creating sophisticated staking plans, setting minimum odds in relation to quoted odds, and implementing detailed filters for each followed source.

    Smartbet.io guarantees instant distribution and automatic execution of betting orders at the best possible odds. It ensures accurate settlement of bets and reliable verification of picks based on official results. All pick and bet records are securely stored and made accessible online with advanced reporting tools and filters.

    This post was edited by tango at June 10, 2023 11:52 AM BST