Guidelines and Rules: Read Before Posting

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    • 53 posts
    March 30, 2023 9:03 PM BST

    Welcome to the General Discussion forum category on! This is the perfect place to share your thoughts, ideas, and opinions on a wide range of topics related to sports betting, trading, and automation. Whether you're a seasoned sports bettor or just starting out, this forum provides an open platform for discussion and community engagement.

    Feel free to start a new thread or jump into an existing conversation. This forum is designed to be a welcoming space for open discussion and friendly debate.

    Rules and Guidelines:

    • Be respectful to others.
    • Do not post any illegal, offensive, or harmful content.
    • Stay on topic and avoid spamming or promotions.
    • Do not share any confidential or proprietary information, such as usernames or passwords.
    • Do not post personal information or solicitations.

    Moderators have the right to remove any posts that violate these guidelines.

    Note: While we welcome constructive contributions that may reference external websites or services, we kindly ask that users exercise discretion and refrain from promoting services or websites that are not related to


    This post was edited by tango at April 3, 2023 1:27 PM BST